Monthly Archives: October 2012

Weekly Photo Challenge: A Really BIG Cup ‘o Joe!


This was a fun gift for my sister-in-law who joins us in our great appreciation for the finer beverages…  JAVAHHHH!!!

Along the front it reads:

I only need


a day

To join in on the weekly photo challenges, click on over to the Daily WordPress page.

My Circle of Life…

Michelle Fitzurka's Art

Charcoal and conte on drawing paper.

Phew!  I know it has been a while, but my days have been moving at the speed of life!!!…

A typical day… Wake up, shower, hair & makeup, coffee, organize kids, kiss husband, kids out the door & into the van, one more kiss… dreamy sigh… Love that man!  Feeling blessed… Oh! The kids! … “Mooo-om! [Yes, the 2-syllable, whiney version of my name]  I forgot my lunchbox!”  back in the house… Jump in the van, drop the kids at school, drive to college, sketch, get into “the zone”, erase, smudge… repeat, repeat… back in the car, run errands, check off ‘to do’ list, chores, eat a late lunch (sometimes), answer emails, back to school to pick up kids, sketch in the parking lot while I wait for dismissal, back home, help with homework, back to school to pick up an afterschooler… and/or drive to the next extracurricular, back home, make dinner while helping with more homework, husband comes home, happy dance with a welcome home kiss, family dinner… homework… kids’ showers, research, chores, prayers, bedtime hugs, …ahhhh… quiet….  decompression commences, collapse on the sofa, laugh with husband about the craziness of the day, brush teeth, go to sleep to get ready to start all over again tomorrow…

I know that is probably a snapshot of most of our lives, especially for a mom with young children… maybe a few substitutions of work, activities and so on… It’s all good, just not a lot of extra minutes for my ‘Shoulda done’ list…  So in the meantime, while I am choosing to focus on what I am able to accomplish in this season of my life, with a prayer for God to infuse me with energy and sustenance, here is a recent drawing I completed for homework just before getting into the onslaught of landscapes… which are so much more involved than I thought they were going to be!  Especially for someone who can get absorbed in the details!… But that’s a blog for another time!

I would love to find out about your circle of life!  Please share!!! 🙂

Emerging from a Cloud of Charcoal


Scribble gestures of gourds and peppers for homework.

Just another quick post on the fly to update you on some more of my drawing class assignments…

We have been getting more into “Mass Gestures” with compressed charcoal… So other than feeling like I have a constant black film filling my pores, I am loving this exploration of textures and media!  Here are some of my homework assignments, along with some classwork.

My mass gesture study of a stuffed pillow in class.

The objective for this homework was to create a mass gesture of 3 stuffed objects… I couldn’t leave Cappuccino out of that one! 🙂

Exploring my new world through Prismacolor!

Moving right along, we are preparing to take on landscapes soon, depending on how the weather treats us.  Meanwhile, in a whirlwind of personal projects, I have been getting immersed in the world of Prismacolor pencils.  I am developing an idea for a series that I will share when I feel they are ready.  Here is a little cropping of one of the drawings I have been working on most recently.  I have been kindling this desire to illustrate for children’s books, exploring more detailed renderings of subjects and really enjoying the journey!  Thanks for stopping by my virtual studio! 🙂